May 2019 | BellaGrey Designs
Affiliate links are included in this post, which means if you make a purchase using one of the links, I will earn a small commission, but it will not cost you one penny! But it does help to keep my website running. Thank you! The following is based strictly on my honest opinion. I only recommend products and brands I love and use personally. 

Who's ready for brunch? This is the time of year you can style your bar cart and move your parties outside to your patio or backyard! Best thing about a bar cart? They are a party on wheels and what's not to love about that? I partnered with Kate Aspen to style this sweet Bridal Bar Cart, which would be perfect for a bridal brunch, mother's day, baby shower, birthday party or a girls soiree! What would you style your bar cart for?

  • Keep your color scheme to main beverage colors {Rose, pink, gold, rose gold} and pull together plates, napkins and party accessories in these pretty colors. You can always add white plates with a punch of color to match your scheme.
  • Decorate your bar cart in the same colors, adding in some foods and other beverages in the same hues. Think about giving out mini bottles of Rose Champagne as a party favor! 
  • Serve some brunch food! Keeping it simple and bite size. Head to your favorite bakery or grocery store to pick up some mini muffins, donut holes, fresh fruit and pasties. A cake stand in the hues of the bar cart will nicely hold some of the brunch food you are serving. 
  • For the toast, you will want to either serve up a signature cocktail or a Rose champagne or wine to fit your theme! 
  • Look to Kate Aspen for all the fun decor I used to style this beautiful Bridal Brunch Bar Cart! 

I hope I have left you with some inspiring ideas for your next bar cart party! 


Rose Bridal Brunch Bar Cart

Affiliate links are included in this post, which means if you make a purchase using one of the links, I will earn a small commission, but it will not cost you one penny! But it does help to keep my website running. Thank you! The following is based strictly on my honest opinion. I only recommend products and brands I love and use personally. 

Who's ready for brunch? This is the time of year you can style your bar cart and move your parties outside to your patio or backyard! Best thing about a bar cart? They are a party on wheels and what's not to love about that? I partnered with Kate Aspen to style this sweet Bridal Bar Cart, which would be perfect for a bridal brunch, mother's day, baby shower, birthday party or a girls soiree! What would you style your bar cart for?

  • Keep your color scheme to main beverage colors {Rose, pink, gold, rose gold} and pull together plates, napkins and party accessories in these pretty colors. You can always add white plates with a punch of color to match your scheme.
  • Decorate your bar cart in the same colors, adding in some foods and other beverages in the same hues. Think about giving out mini bottles of Rose Champagne as a party favor! 
  • Serve some brunch food! Keeping it simple and bite size. Head to your favorite bakery or grocery store to pick up some mini muffins, donut holes, fresh fruit and pasties. A cake stand in the hues of the bar cart will nicely hold some of the brunch food you are serving. 
  • For the toast, you will want to either serve up a signature cocktail or a Rose champagne or wine to fit your theme! 
  • Look to Kate Aspen for all the fun decor I used to style this beautiful Bridal Brunch Bar Cart! 

I hope I have left you with some inspiring ideas for your next bar cart party! 


We recently put our house on the market {March 8} to be exact! The house sold quickly ~ 14 days! YIKES!!! Don't worry, we had a house in mind to purchase and quickly put in an offer, which was accepted!

This could have been very intimidating to pack up a household of 4 in less than a month {closing is April 23} but it wasn't, because we had a plan. This will be our first move as a family, so it has been a little bittersweet for a few of us. All the memories we made in our first home - the first home we bought as a married couple; the home where we brought home not one, but both of our sweet babies and last but not least, the home where we had our very first pet puppy! We've laughed, cried and had a lot of fun in this house, but it is now time for us to move. We aren't moving far, only about 6 miles north of where we live now. I have talked with the kids about our move and at first they weren't excited because they don't know any other home but as the days have gone by, they have now embraced for our new home and the memories we will make together!
They have both picked their rooms and are so excited to have a say on how to decorate them. 

{side note: I just realize both house look a lot alike - we must really like this style house} *wink*

I will be sharing how we prepared to move in less than a month as well as more photos of our new home and all the updates we will be making.

I am super excited to share this journey with you, so come on over to Instagram, to see more photos of the new house and all the excitement of our move!

  • Wednesday, May 22, 2019

We are Moving!

We recently put our house on the market {March 8} to be exact! The house sold quickly ~ 14 days! YIKES!!! Don't worry, we had a house in mind to purchase and quickly put in an offer, which was accepted!

This could have been very intimidating to pack up a household of 4 in less than a month {closing is April 23} but it wasn't, because we had a plan. This will be our first move as a family, so it has been a little bittersweet for a few of us. All the memories we made in our first home - the first home we bought as a married couple; the home where we brought home not one, but both of our sweet babies and last but not least, the home where we had our very first pet puppy! We've laughed, cried and had a lot of fun in this house, but it is now time for us to move. We aren't moving far, only about 6 miles north of where we live now. I have talked with the kids about our move and at first they weren't excited because they don't know any other home but as the days have gone by, they have now embraced for our new home and the memories we will make together!
They have both picked their rooms and are so excited to have a say on how to decorate them. 

{side note: I just realize both house look a lot alike - we must really like this style house} *wink*

I will be sharing how we prepared to move in less than a month as well as more photos of our new home and all the updates we will be making.

I am super excited to share this journey with you, so come on over to Instagram, to see more photos of the new house and all the excitement of our move!

Cinco de Mayo is ALMOST here and I couldn't be more excited! It is one of my favorite days of the year. You know these SPICY MARGARITAS will definitely be at the party! This is the perfect margarita for Cinco de Mayo {in my opinion}.

Affiliate links are included in this post, which means if you make a purchase using one of the links, I will earn a small commission, but it will not cost you one penny! But it does help to keep my website running. Thank you! The following is based strictly on my honest opinion. I only recommend products and brands I love and use personally.
Made with fresh lime juice and agave syrup, these can easily be made for a crowd or a single cocktail. This deliciousness is everything you will need to go with your tacos - I promise you, it is THAT good!
I associate margaritas with sunny patios, good friends and fun times, so you could say they are pretty much part of my happy place! I love a good margarita on the rocks, as long as it is fresh. Sometimes I will go for the frozen margs, but if there is a fresh one on the menu - sign me up!
  *you will LOVE the Sriracha Hot Sea Salt - you can find it here!
Looking for a Cinco de Mayo party idea? Take a look at this one I styled a few years ago!
This recipe is one of my go to signature drinks, if you make it let me know how you like it and if you need any help finishing up a pitcher.
Remember to follow BellaGrey Designs on all your social media channels, you will find the links below this post! Don't forget to sign up for weekly updates via email. It's FREE! See the sidebar for more information.

RECIPE: Spicy Margaritas

Cinco de Mayo is ALMOST here and I couldn't be more excited! It is one of my favorite days of the year. You know these SPICY MARGARITAS will definitely be at the party! This is the perfect margarita for Cinco de Mayo {in my opinion}.

Affiliate links are included in this post, which means if you make a purchase using one of the links, I will earn a small commission, but it will not cost you one penny! But it does help to keep my website running. Thank you! The following is based strictly on my honest opinion. I only recommend products and brands I love and use personally.
Made with fresh lime juice and agave syrup, these can easily be made for a crowd or a single cocktail. This deliciousness is everything you will need to go with your tacos - I promise you, it is THAT good!
I associate margaritas with sunny patios, good friends and fun times, so you could say they are pretty much part of my happy place! I love a good margarita on the rocks, as long as it is fresh. Sometimes I will go for the frozen margs, but if there is a fresh one on the menu - sign me up!
  *you will LOVE the Sriracha Hot Sea Salt - you can find it here!
Looking for a Cinco de Mayo party idea? Take a look at this one I styled a few years ago!
This recipe is one of my go to signature drinks, if you make it let me know how you like it and if you need any help finishing up a pitcher.
Remember to follow BellaGrey Designs on all your social media channels, you will find the links below this post! Don't forget to sign up for weekly updates via email. It's FREE! See the sidebar for more information.

Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas

I'm super excited to team up with a few of my blogger friends to bring you some great Christmas gift wrap ideas. Welcome to everyone vis...

Meet Jennifer

Meet Jennifer
God made and Jesus saved! This Colorado girl is living in a Texas world. I'm a home decor enthusiast, sharing our home, fashion and entertaining tips.

My Favorites

