This year the hubby and I are skipping all the hot spots in Dallas to stay home with our kiddos for a special dinner! I have the menu all ready to go, but first we will celebrate with my favorite meal!
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I teamed up with Kroger and Corks and Cheers today to bring you a sweet breakfast in bed with your Valentine! I am all about spending more time in bed if I have the chance, but with two very active kiddos, I don't have the opportunity very often! That is why, when I woke up this morning I decided to treat my hubby and I! We had to wake up a little earlier, but it was so worth it! Although, I may have to sneak in a power nap later, so I can make a our special dinner for tonight.
Our breakfast was very simple, it consisted of fresh croissants from the bakery, delicious raspberries and of course mimosa style beverages! I love how smooth the Dellatorri Prosecco is with the Dove chocolates! This was a great breakfast and started our day beautifully! You can find all of these items at your local Kroger store! I for one, am very happy I can purchase my Prosecco in the same place I buy all of my groceries.
Happy Valentine's Day friends! I hope you get spoiled by your love today!
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