If you're a local Texan ~ even if you're not ~ you need to know today is the opening day of The State Fair of Texas!!! The fair runs until October 23rd. I not a big fan of hot dogs or corny dogs, but each year we go to the fair we ALWAYS get a Fletcher's Corny Dog!!! There's just something about having a corny dog at the fair ~ a little like having a hot dog at a baseball game ~ just tastes good!!  They are super yummy with a lot of mustard!!! 
Big Tex ~ in the photo above is 52' tall!! You can see him from almost the entire fairgrounds and he talks ~ no really!! He says, "Hi, I'm big Tex" and tells you all sorts of great information about the fair. The kids think he is pretty funny. If you haven't experienced the State Fair of Texas you should really do it at least once in your life. The weather is perfect right now too ~ low to mid 80s ~ it sure beats the 100 degrees we had yesterday!!! 

Have a Super Great Day!!!
